Bitcoin Websites

The page says it all, these are some the places that I go to when it comes to Bitcoins. Now, if you want me to add your website on any of these lists, contact me in any way you feel comfortable, and I'll see what I can do. You can contact me by using the information on the side, if you wish.

Buying Bitcoins:

Mt.Gox - Bitcoin Exchange (USD to BTC and vice versa)

Purchasing With Bitcoins:

bitcoinstore - Purchase electronics with your Bitcoins.

Foodler - Buy food delivery from restaurants. (12,000+ by June 6th, 2013)

Faucets and Free Bitcoin Sites:

FreeBitcoins - Faucet that is sometimes closed, sometimes open.

Bunny Run - Choose a bunny, and earn mBTC for winning. Once a day.

Bitcoin Addict - Faucet that gives out mBTC. Once a day.

BitVisitor - My favorite site, you can get about .0002 to .0003 BTC per day by going on redirected sites. 

CoinVisitor - Like BitVisitor. Very nice site. 

Daily Bitcoins - Earn .00005 BTC by typing in a Captcha. Once per hour (with transaction restrictions).

*Bitcoin4You - Earn up to 21 uBTC. Once per day.

*BitcoinAR - Bitcoin Faucet.

CoinURL - The of Bitcoin. 

~CoinChat - Earn mBTC for talking with other people (spamming will not earn mBTC).

Other Notable Sites:

Official Bitcoin Website - Need I say more?

Bitcoin Wiki - Have a question? They can answer it.

Preev - A simple Bitcoin to USD converter (and other currencies). Sourced from Mt.Gox.

Bitcoinity - A chart for Bitcoin, displays highs and lows. Very simple, easy to use.

**BitVegas - A Minecraft server that doubles as a gambling website. Users have the ability to claim up to 15mBTC over time. (Rate is .5mBTC every 15 minutes.) Users can use play money (which can be refilled), or use Bitcoins (minimum of 1mBTC).

*I have not tested this site. If it does not work, contact me.
**The games on BitVegas can be proven fair. I will not advertise a gambling website if it cannot be proven fair. Forms of gambling can be known to cause addictions. Please play responsibly. I am not liable for any loss of Bitcoin that may happen, nor am I to blame for any online communications with other people if you CHOOSE to go on this site.

Again, if you would like to contact me, you may do so.


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